Jupiter Games.
3701 Vestal Pkwy E
Vestal, NY 13850-2397
(607) 729-5910
We're going to try starting officially at 6PM, for those of you who get out of work at 5.
Please know/bring your VKEN ID written down along with your name and if possible a decklist for what you'll be playing. Decklist would just be nice, but the VKEN ID and name would help me out a lot for reporting after we're done playing. If you don't know your VKEN ID you can look it up here: http://www.white-wolf.com/vtes/search.php, if however, you don't have a VKEN ID, we can register you at the store, but if that's your plan please show up BEFORE 6, like at 5:30 or something. Or I will have you taken out back and beaten.